Public Hearing Notice

Notice is hereby given that on April 12, 2017; 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 33155 Hemingway Ave. Stacy, MN 55079 the Lent Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to solicit public response to a proposed text amendment to Chapter 2, Section 4.02(A) 4: Grading or Filling Permit. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation regarding the proposed amendment to the Town Board for their meeting to be held on April 18, 2017, 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.

Those persons having an interest in said meetings are encouraged to attend.

Kelly Wood,
Township Clerk

Public Notice

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Board of Appeal and Equalization for the Township of Lent, CHISAGO County, Minnesota, will meet at the Office of the Clerk in said Township At 6:00 (6 o’clock) P. M., on Thursday the 27th day of April 2017 for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said Township of Lent for the year 2017.

The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether taxable property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor, and to determine whether corrections need to be made.

All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment, or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting, and show cause of having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed or their agent, shall have been notified of such complaint.

A quorum of the Town Board is likely. 

Click Here for the official notice

 Kelly Wood, Clerk

Lent Township