General Election Notice 2020 November 3 Lent Township

To the Electors of the Township of Lent, in the County of Chisago, State of Minnesota:


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a General Election will be held at the Lent Town Hall located at 33155 Hemingway Ave., Stacy, MN 55079 on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November 2020. The polls will be open from the hour of seven (7) o’clock A.M. to the hour of eight (8) o’clock P.M. for the purpose of electing candidates for Board of Supervisor Seats B and E for a term of four (4) years each. The polling place for all Lent Township Residents is Lent Town Hall 33155 Hemingway Avenue, Stacy, MN 55079. The sample ballot for Town Offices will be as shown below.

The ballot will also contain Federal, State, County and special district offices. Voter information can be found on lenttownship.com


                        Kelly Wood, Township Clerk

Cornillie 1 Solar Workshop 6pm 10-21-2020

Lent Workshop Invite-Cornillie October 21, 2020 6pm

MN121819, LLC is hosting a workshop to discuss a proposed 1MW solar array on approximately 8 acres of land on property owned by Minnesota CSG, LLC parcel identification description 05.00007.00. The proposed community solar garden will be located in the northwest corner of the parcel. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 21st at 6:00pm on Microsoft Teams and there will be an opportunity to discuss the project and gather input from surrounding property owners. We have attached a preliminary site plan showing the location of the community solar garden.

The public is encouraged to attend via Microsoft Teams https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTI3YjBiYzgtMGQxMS00MjgxLTlhNjAtMjUzMDhkMDJmODky%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226bcf32f4-7251-4b80-ab47-827d49fe7a1c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22dca4ad24-e4c8-4da0-958c-1177708b0497%22%7d

The public must contact clerk@lenttownship.com to make in-person meeting arrangements before October 16, 2020.

Lent Township Town Board Meeting October 20, 2020 Notice of Meeting to be Held via Telephone and Electronic Means (Zoom)

Notice of Phone-Electronic Board Meeting 10-20-2020

Due to the Peacetime Emergency declared by Governor Walz under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 12, the Health Pandemic that is COVID-19 as labeled by the Center for Disease Control, and Lent Township resolution 2020-11, the Town Board meeting shall be conducted through electronic and telephonic means. If the public wishes to listen to the meeting, the public should:

To dial in from your phone for the October 20, 2020 Town Board meeting, call 1-312-626-6799 (Chicago) Meeting ID: 824 7224 7063 Passcode: 438716

To join the Town Board meeting from your computer or device, link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82472247063?pwd=RzY5dFBtcmY5NjdsbEEybDVTYTFtdz09

Meeting ID: 824 7224 7063

Passcode: 438716

Email clerk@lenttownship.com with any questions or to make meeting arrangements. The meeting will be hybrid: Zoom/in-person. Residents are to attend meetings remotely unless meeting arrangements are made one week prior to the meeting by emailing clerk@lenttownship.com

Kelly Wood, Township Clerk

Public Hearing Notice October 14, 2020

PHN 10-14-2020 Text Amendment RRA Accessory Building limit

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom by dialing 1-312-626-6799 US (Chicago) from your phone Meeting ID: 833 7890 4788 Passcode: 559228 the Lent Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to solicit public response to proposed revisions to Chapter 2, Section 4.08, Accessory Structures and Uses related to the number of structures as well as the total size of accessory structures permitted within the Township. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation regarding the proposed ordinance to the Town Board for their meeting to be held on October 20, 2020, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom by dialing 1-312-626-6799 US (Chicago) from your phone Meeting ID: 824 7224 7063 Passcode: 438716. Meeting links are posted on lenttownship.com if you wish to join from your computer or device. The public is expected to attend remotely unless arrangements are made one week prior to each meeting. Arrangements can be made by emailing clerk@lenttownship.com

Those persons having an interest in said meetings are encouraged to attend remotely.

Kelly Wood, Township Clerk

Lent Township Planning Commission Meeting October 14, 2020 Notice of Meeting to be Held via Telephone and Electronic Means (Zoom)

Notice of Phone-Electronic PZ Meeting 10-14-2020

Due to the Peacetime Emergency declared by Governor Walz under Minnesota Statutes

Chapter 12, the Health Pandemic that is COVID-19 as labeled by the Center for Disease Control,

and Lent Township resolution 2020-11, the Planning Commission meeting shall be conducted through electronic and telephonic means. If the public wishes to listen to the meeting, the public should:

To dial in from your phone for the October 14, 2020 Planning Commission meeting, call 1-312-626-6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 833 7890 4788 Passcode: 559228

To join the Planning Commission meeting from your computer or device, link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83378904788?pwd=NHdJTFhUSGtmbjNUN011QXJLMFppdz09

Meeting ID: 833 7890 4788

Passcode: 559228

The link is on the homepage of lenttownship.com

Email clerk@lenttownship.com with any questions or to make meeting arrangements.

Kelly Wood, Township Clerk


Ordinance 2020-04 (RTC Development Standards)



 Amendment: F. Development Standards is to be added under 5.10 Rural Transit Center District.

Passed by the Lent Town Board on the 18th day of August 2020.


Notice of Hearing final A1 9-2020




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Township of Lent, County of Chisago, Minnesota (the “Township”), will hold a public hearing at a meeting of the Board beginning at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 to have the Township consider awarding financial assistance through the abatement of property taxes on a portion of the property taxes to be levied by the Township on the property currently identified as Parcel Identification Number 05.00100.04, in the Township (the “Property”) in connection with the opening of a business to be known as A1 Tire to be located on the Property.  The total amount of the taxes proposed to be abated by the Township on the Property for up to a 5 year period is estimated to be not more than $22,500.

Information about the proposed tax abatement is available for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk at the Town Hall during regular business hours.  After the public hearing the Township will consider granting a property tax abatement in accordance with the proposed terms.

The assistance, if granted, will be granted under the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.1813.

In light of the COVID-19 health pandemic, it is not feasible for members of the public to attend the meeting at its regular location due to the health pandemic and emergency. Accordingly, no public meeting will be held at the Town Hall located at 33155 Hemingway Avenue ,Stacy, Minnesota.  However, members of the public may monitor this meeting via Zoom. A Zoom link and additional information or any changes regarding public participation in this meeting will be posted on our website at https://www.lenttownship.com/. Public comment can be submitted to the Town Clerk via email at clerk@lenttownship.com.  Any comments and materials submitted by 12:00 noon on the meeting day will be provided to the Board for their review.

Lent Township Planning Commission Meeting September 9, 2020 Notice of Meeting to be Held via Telephone and Electronic Means (Zoom)

Notice of Phone-Electronic PZ Meeting 9-9-2020

Lent Township Planning Commission Meeting September 9, 2020 Notice of Meeting to be Held via Telephone and Electronic Means (Zoom)

Due to the Peacetime Emergency declared by Governor Walz under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 12, the Health Pandemic that is COVID-19 as labeled by the Center for Disease Control, and Lent Township resolution 2020-11, the Planning Commission meeting shall be conducted through electronic and telephonic means. If the public wishes to listen to the meeting, the public should:

To dial in from your phone for the September 9, 2020 Planning Commission meeting, call 1-312-626-6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 857 1511 1724 Passcode: 559463

To join the Planning Commission meeting from your computer or device, link  The link is on the homepage of lenttownship.com https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85715111724?pwd=eEw3OS9kSy8rSVRnUzdrRzdsMFdJZz09

Meeting ID: 857 1511 1724 Passcode: 559463

Email clerk@lenttownship.com with any questions or to make meeting arrangements. The door will be locked. Meeting arrangement MUST be made prior to the meeting or the public is asked to attend remotely.

Kelly Wood, Township Clerk

Lent Township Town Board Meeting August 18, 2020 Notice of Meeting to be Held via Telephone and Electronic Means (Zoom)

Notice of Phone-Electronic Board Meeting 8-18-2020

Due to the Peacetime Emergency declared by Governor Walz under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 12, the Health Pandemic that is COVID-19 as labeled by the Center for Disease Control, and Lent Township resolution 2020-11, the Town Board meeting shall be conducted through electronic and telephonic means. If the public wishes to listen to the meeting, the public should:

To dial in from your phone for the August 18, 2020 Town Board meeting, call 1-312-626-6799 (Chicago) Meeting ID: 816 2201 9740 Passcode: 939942

To join the Town Board meeting from your computer or device, link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81622019740?pwd=RDIzbkc1NjZGYnlUb0I4KzNyVW04Zz09

Email clerk@lenttownship.com with any questions or to make meeting arrangements.

Kelly Wood, Township Clerk